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6 - 7 May 2023 - Castelnuovo della Storia e dell'Arte

Second Edition - promoted by the “Società Filarmonico Drammatica di Castelnuovo Berardenga” with the patronage of the Municipality and the Ministry of Culture.
The events are free apart with exceptions of the lunches for which you need to book.

INFO AND BOOKINGS: call 3357220600, or WhatsApp  or email castelnuovostoriarte@gmail.com


Saturday 6th May - SAN GUSME'

10.00 - THE ETRUSCANS OF “PIANO TONDO” - locality where some fragments of a furnace from the Etruscan era were found during excavations in a vineyard in 2022.
Conference and presentation of the recognition “Berardenga d'Oro” to d.ssa Elisabetta Mangani by the Mayor Fabrizio Nepi.
Meeting with:
- dott.ssa Elisabetta Mangani, curator of archaeological excavations from the 80s
- dott.ssa Ada Salvi, curator of archaeological excavations 1980s Superintendency of Siena, Arezzo and Grosseto
- arch. Gabriele Nannetti, Superintendent of Fine Arts, Archeology and Landscape Siena, Arezzo and Grosseto

13.00 - TRANSFER to the hill of CAMPI.
Lunch organized by Luna Etrusca - Castelnuovo’s farm (only by reservation),
18 euro a persona, tutto compreso: 
  • Uovo all’etrusca con salsa ai pinoli  - Etruscan egg with pine nut sauce
  • Focaccine di farro con pesto di Apicio  - Small Focaccia s with Apicius pesto
  • olio alle erbe - herbal oil
  • Ricotta allo zafferano - Saffron ricotta
  • Insalata di farro con legumi e verdure - Spelled salad with legumes and vegetables
  • Stufato di cinghiale alle olive - Wild boar stew with olives
  • Cassata di Oplontis - Cassata of Oplontis
  • vino e acqua - wine and water
15.00 - VISIT to the SITE of the  ETRUSCAN FURNACE DISCOVERED in2022.
This is followed by a walk on the Piano Tondo and a visit to the Tombe del Poggione, the subject of an important environmental restoration, promoted by the Municipality of Castelnuovo Berardenga and by the Superintendence of Fine Arts, Archeology and Landscape of Siena, Arezzo and Grosseto.


10.00 - CHURCH of BADIA a MONASTERO: tales of the place of origin of Berardenga around the year 1000 by Profs. Mario Ascheri and Prof. Antonio Vannini.
Martina Guideri reads a passage from the book "The Berardenghi family" by Paolo Cammarosano.
The Mayor delivers the Berardenga d'Oro award to Prof. Mario Ascheri.
Followed by a guided tour of the MILLENNIAL CRYPT of the Abbey

13.00 - Lunch on the Badia meadow (only by reservation), 15 euros per person all inclusive:
  • pods and pecorino
  • panzanella
  • pork
  • cantucci and vinsanto
  • water and wine
15.30 - AUDITORIUM VILLA CHIGI - - the architect  Massimo Tosi (expert in historical reconstructions) presents the two watercolor paintings commissioned by the Municipality:
  • Reconstruction of the Castello Nuovo in the mid-1400s
  • Bird's eye view of the 15th century Berardenga
Planned projection of blow-ups and historical evaluation of the content of the works

INFO AND BOOKINGS: call 3357220600, or WhatsApp  or email castelnuovostoriarte@gmail.com
